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Strawberry Watermelon Paleo Sorbet
Our Paleo sorbet may not be technically sorbet if it doesn’t have ingredients other than fruit. What ever you call it, it is delicious and it is edible on the Diet One Day diet plan for On or Off diet days.
For Strawberry Watermelon Paleo Sorbet I use:
1 1/2 cups of watermelon cubes and 6 large frozen strawberries.
How to make Paleo Sorbet with a Yonana:
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- Freeze ice cube sized fruit (or smaller) or fruit juice. It is easier to buy the snack baggies and fill them with 1 cup of your fruit cubes. Then when you want to make the sorbet you can just pull out which ever fruits you want or mix them up. I like to make twice the amount with the Yonana so I have Paleo Sorbet at my finger tips for another time.
- Take out your desired fruits.
- Plug in the machine.
- Feed frozen cubes or frozen fruit into the hopper and plunge; gently.
- Let it sit for a few minutes and then stir a little. I promise, it is amazing.
Yonana sorbet, ice cream, dessert maker - click on the image/affiliate link.
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Visit Our Store for Diet One Day and other healthful products. Visit Our Affiliate page for more information. Earn 15% when your friends and family use your link.
Diet One Day (formerly One Diet One Wafers) and other great products and combos in our store. Discounts in our store when you buy just 2 or more.
Remember to see your choice of healthcare practitioner before making any changes of concern in your diet.
One Day Diet Wafers is the former name of this product. You might find info and recipes of use there as well.